How can i submit my website in google search engine?

Get your website on Google.How can i submit my website in google search engine? How can I submit the sitemap of my site? How can I get my website on Google Search Engine?My Website on Google.

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My name is Mohammad Faisal. I am here for your concern and for your motivation. I am from

The topic of our this day is how can we get our website or blog on Google. As you see others websites on google but your website is not on google. You can also get your website or blog on google. There is no any problem. It is so easy as everyone can do it.

If you want to get your website or blog on google search engine so please  follow these steps:

Before starting  I want to say you something guys that if you are a new visitor so please subscribe this blog. Share this blog to your friends.

Let us start

1.  First of all you have an Email dear friends.
2.  Dear friends you have to type Google Search Console in the google.
3.  You have to open Google search console original website.
4.  You will see a interface like this. Log in in Google Search Console through you Email.

Here You have to type your website address without www or http because here these words are not allowed.
6.  Submit now your website, it will redirect you to the property. You will see an interface like this.

7.  Click on a front blank tab and put your website’s or blog’s url and press ENTER.

8.  It will show you that your website address is not on google.
9.  For fetching your website on google Click on REQUEST INDEX.
10.           It will take some time. After a while it will show you the captcha that you are not a robot. You have to solve that captcha.
11.           After that it will show you that REQUEST INDEXED.
12.           Now you can check that by entering your website address in the front tab that your website address is on google or not.
13.           You can also check your address on google by searching on google your website address.
By following these few steps you can Get your website on google. As I have cleared every single thing above these steps. If you have still any question you can ask from me. You are free to ask me  different  questions on different topics. I will help you with my knowledge. If I will be able to tell you about your questions. If you like this post so please share it on social media like facebook,twitter,whatsapp…………….etc.
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